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Enhance position and rpm control interface / protocol

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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2019-02-04 21:03
Posts: 3
Enhance position and rpm control interface / protocol


I would like to control position, start, stop and rpm with Matlab.
Therefore an enhance position and rpm interface would be great.
Possible solutions:
a) enhanced VESC/PC terminal commands -> e.g. set_position [degree], set_rpm [rpm], start, stop 
b) enhanced app -> control typ of app can also be position -> e.g. PPM min ... max = 0 ... 359°
c) arduino implementation -> kind of clear text bridge -> e.g Matlab send to arduino set_position [degree] -> arduino translate to VESC-language

If anything of above mentioned points already exists, please give me a hint.
I'm not a coding expert, so a little example code would be helpful.

Kind regards